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Soul Story Sessions

Are you stuck living in a story that's holding you back? 


Do you feel unfulfilled, stuck or burdened by the life you are living?


Do you ever feel like you are missing opportunities instead of pursuing your dreams?


Perhaps it’s time for a change,


It's time to turn the page and create a new story for yourself.

And I’m here to help guide you on your journey!


Each and every one of us is influenced by the stories we believe about ourselves. These stories wave the path for our life journey.


We can choose to live in stories that either cause us pain - disempower us or bring pleasure - empower us. We can get stuck in the victim, believing that life happens to us, or we can shift ourselves into creators and magnetize abundance, joy and prosperity in all aspects of our lives.


You can decide at any moment to rewrite your life story and I’m here to show you how.


By working alongside me you become the storyteller of your own life by creating a new narrative for yourself.


Soul Story Sessions offer the opportunity for a safe and supportive container for you to explore the old stories and limitations that are holding you back in your life. By working with me, I will guide you on a transformational journey to rewrite and embody a new and empowering life story to enhance all aspects of your life.


I am committed to supporting individuals on their journey to living embodied, heart led lives. 


I believe that when we have the courage to uncover the stories we are hiding behind, we rediscover hidden aspects of our true essence, we begin to reveal our unique nature and quirks. This is where our ‘gold’ resides. Our hidden wisdom.


I offer bespoke mentoring journeys, tailored to suit you and your unique story. My work has a strong focus on intuitive development, story reframing, body awareness, creativity and self-expression, inner child work and ancestral lineage healing. Held in a safe and supportive container.


I’m here as a guide, walking beside you and empowering you to unravel old stories, blocks, limitations and conditioning. So, you can embody your new story and step into a life filled with clarity, confidence, joy and abundance and walk a heart led life.


How can Soul Story Sessions nurture and support you?


  • Identify the stories keeping you "stuck".

  • Break old habits and overcome self-limiting beliefs.

  • Reframe your story and reclaim your personal power.

  • Experiencing a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in your life.

  • Cultivate a deeper sense of self trust and confidence.

  • Rediscover your inner joy and bring more lightness, ease and flow in your life.

  • Reconnect deeper with your intuition and bring more clarity to your life.

  • Cultivate more authentic relationships and connections in your life.

  • Uncover your hidden ‘gold’ (true gifts, talents and abilities).

  • Receive practical guidance and integration tools to support you on your unique journey.

  • Improve your mental and emotional well-being.

  • Experience a deeper connection to yourself - mind, body, spirit.

  • Open to more freedom and possibilities in your life.


I invite you to follow your heart, allow it to be your guide as you muse the offerings on my website. If you are interested in booking a session or finding out more information about my offerings click below to book and alignment call.


I look forward to working with you to recreate your story from the bones up.


Pricing: $125 per session.

$350 for a package of three sessions.

Erin Alexis Grace

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